Tuesday, July 28, 2009 : Comic #173
Achieving Manhood
My friend, John, once told me there were only three ways to truly become a man: serve in the military in a war situation, fight a wild animal bare-handed, or have children.
If I had to choose any of the three, I'd probably go with having children. It's the most pleasant, atleast in the making-it-happen phase. And it involves the least risk to life and limb. Personally I have gone this route, so I can vouch for the safety of the operation. It's also much easier for the man than for the woman (due the whole giving birth process, in which the man mostly just stands by and says, "You're doing great honey.")
But if I had to fight a wild animal bear handed, I'd want to go with something like a wild gerbil. I don't know if those really exist in the wild, but I would sure hope so.