Comic #0110
For much less than the price of a new car you can possess your very own Smiley Face Commandos comic strip. See your myriad options below.
Reproduction rights are not included in the sale of original strips. The artist retains the reproduction rights.

High Quality Color Print - $7.50
A full color, printed copy on letter-size, 100lb cardstock paper. Mail it to your mom or matte it and hang it on the wall. This format gives you plenty of options. Pencil not included. $2.50 for shipping

Color Print Matted & Framed - $50
Matted, framed and encased behind a solid layer of classy glass, this artwork is ready to hang up as soon as you open the package. A full color, printed copy on 100lb cardstock paper. The full frame measures at 20.5" x 10.5" and includes two small triangle hooks in the back. $6.00 for shipping

Original Artwork Matted & Framed - $110
A collectible item for the true Commandos fan, this original artwork is presented in its most elegant format. Matted, framed and placed behind glass, the strip is hand-drawn and hand-lettered with archival Pigma pens on acid-free, heavy weight Bristol paper. Mount it on your wall and enjoy the new addition to your family. $6.00 for shipping