2009 A.D.
Tuesday, August 10, 2009
Some of you have noticed that I occasionally include the year next to my signature and that I often include "A.D." after it. If I continue to do this comic strip for years, which I hope to do, I want to look back and know what year each strip was drawn. I suppose I could try to do that math, assuming that I do about three per week, divided by however many years... but I'd rather avoid having to use that much brain power.
What about the "A.D."? Well, it's my little (very little) way of showing respect to my Savior, Jesus Christ. Rather than leaving it off, as most would do, and rather than using "C.E. (Common Era)", which has become the more politically correct dating method, I choose to give regard to Jesus, as the calendar was originally meant to do. "B.C." stands for "Before Christ" and "A.D." stands for "anno domini," which means "in the year of our Lord." When this dating system was implemented, it was intended to make the birth of Christ the dividing point of history (although, from what I've read, they made a mistake of a few years on calculating the precise date.
My choice of using "A.D." will also help future cartoon historians to pinpoint exactly when the commandos were drawn. I'm really do them a service.